The MapFilter plugin allows filtering the map content via QGIS Server WMS FILTER.

It can be configured to support predefined filters, geometry filters, temporal filters and custom filters, see MapFilter.

Note: Geometry filters requires the filter_geom plugin from qwc-qgis-server-plugins, and the filter will currently only be applied to postgis layers.

You can set predefined filter expressions for a theme item as follows:

"predefinedFilters": [
        "id": "<filter_id>",
        "title": "<filter_title>",
        "titlemsgid": "<filter_title_msgid>",
        "filter": {
            "<layer>": <data_service_filter_expression>
        "fields": {
            "id": "<value_id>",
            "title": "<value_title">,
            "titlemsgid": "<value_title_msgid>",
            "defaultValue": <default_value>,
            "inputConfig": {<input_field_opts>}

In the data service filter expression, you can use $<value_id>$ as the value placeholder.

You can specify any common HTML input element properties in input_field_opts, i.e.:

"inputConfig": {"type": "number", "min": 0}

As a special case, you can define a dropdown list as follows:

"inputConfig": {"type": "select", "options": [{"value": "<value1>", "label|labelmsgid": "<label(msgid)1>"}, ...]}

It is also possible to pass a flat list as options, i.e. ["<value1>", "<value2>"] if the value is equal to the label.


"predefinedFilters": [{
        "id": "continent_filter",
        "title": "Continent",
        "filter": {
                "countries": ["continent", "=", "$continent$"]
        "fields": [{
                "id": "continent",
                "title": "Name",
                "defaultValue": "",
                "inputConfig": {"type": "select", "options": ["Africa", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania"]}

The data service filter expressions are of the form ["<name>", "<op>", <value>], you can also specify complex expressions concatenated with and|or as follows:

[["<name>", "<op>", <value>],"and|or",["<name>","<op>",<value>],...]

You can set the startup filter configuration by specifying a f URL-parameter with a JSON-serialized string as follows:

f={"<filter_id>": {"<field_id>": <value>, ...}, ...}

To control the temporal filter, the filter ID is __timefilter, and the field IDs are tstart and tend, with values an ISO date or datetime string (YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).

To control the spatial filter, the syntax is "__geomfilter": <GeoJSON polygon coodinates array>.

To specify custom filters, the syntax is "__custom": [{"title": "<title>", "layer": "<layername>", "expr": <JSON filter expr>}, ...].

Whenever an startup filter value is specified, the filter is automatically enabled.

Note: When specifying f, you should also specify t as the startup filter configuraiton needs to match the filters of the desired theme.