QWC Config generator

QWC Config generator

Type: object

JSON Schema

Type: stringFormat: uri Default: "https://github.com/qwc-services/qwc-config-generator/raw/master/schemas/qwc-config-generator.json"

Reference to JSON schema of this config

Service name

Type: const
Specific value: "config-generator"

Optional, path to a tenantConfig template. If specified, the contents of the file is merged with the contents of tenantConfig.json. Any occurence of $tenant$ in the template will be replaced with the current tenant name.

Type: string

QWC2 themes configuration

Type: object

Corresponds to contents of standalone QWC2 themesConfig.json

Type: object
Type: string

Path to themesConfig.json

Config options for Config generator

Type: object

Type: string

Tenant name. Example: default

Type: stringFormat: uri

Connection URL for configuration database. Example: postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb

Type: stringFormat: uri

Default QGIS Server URL for OGC requests. Example: http://qwc-qgis-server/ows/

Type: string

OWS service path prefix. Defaults to the path component of defaultqgisserverurl. Used to form the urls of autodetected projects below qgisprojectsscanbase_dir. Example: /ows

Type: string

The QGIS project file extension to look for. Default: '.qgs'

Type: string

Base path for QGIS projects. Example: /data

Type: string

Directory containing print layouts. Example: /layouts

Type: string

Path for QGIS projects, which should be automatically detected. Must be a subdir qgisprojectsbase_dir. Example: /data/scan

Type: string

Path for generated QGIS projects, result of preprocessing. Must be a subdir of qgisprojectsbasedir. Can be the same as qgisprojectsscanbase_dir, in which case the theme autodetection will apply to generated QGIS projects. Example: /data/gen

Type: boolean

Set whether resources are permitted or restricted by default. Example: true

Type: boolean

Validate configuration against schema. Example: true

Type: string

Target path for generated service configs and permissions, if not set by $OUTPUTCONFIGPATH. Example: /config-out

Type: string

Path to the QWC2 directory, which will be used to autodetect thumbnails. If qgisprojectsscanbasedir is not set, then this option will be ignored. Example /qwc2

Type: boolean

Skip group layers containing print layers

Type: object

Layer opacity values for QGIS <= 3.10

Type: boolean

Set to true to activate the categorize groups functionality

Type: number

Timeout for GetProjectSettings, GetCapabilities and DescribeFeatureType requests. Default: 60sec

Type: boolean

Whether to automatically generate data service datasets used for key-value relationships without requiring corresponding data resources to be created. Warning: this will expose the key and value fields of the key-value table as world readable. Default: false

Type: boolean

Whether to generate nested nrelation forms instead of a tabluar view. Default: false

Type: boolean

Generate WFS service resources and permissions for the OGC service. Default: false

Type: object

Whether to use the default mapthumb (mapthumbs/default.jpg) instead of generating the thumbnail via GetMap if no custom thumbnail is provided. Default: false

Service configs

Type: array

Service specific config options for generating their service configs

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Generator config for a service

Type: object

Generator config for a QWC service

Type: enum (of string)

Service name

Must be one of:

  • "adminGui"
  • "data"
  • "dbAuth"
  • "elevation"
  • "featureInfo"
  • "mapinfo"
  • "permalink"
  • "print"
  • "search"
  • "legend"

Type: object

QWC service config options (cf. its JSON schema). This is copied unmodified to the service config.

Type: object

Generator config for Map Viewer

Type: const

Service name

Specific value: "mapViewer"

Type: object

Additional config for generating MapViewer resources

Type: object

Additional config for QWC2 application configuration

Type: string

Path to QWC2 config.json file. Example: /qwc2/config.json

Type: string

Path to QWC2 index.html file. Example: /qwc2/index.html

Type: object

Map Viewer config options (cf. JSON schema qwc-map-viewer.json). This is copied unmodified to the service config.

Type: object

Generator config for OGC service

Type: const

Service name

Specific value: "ogc"

Type: object

Additional config for generating OGC service resources

Type: object

Additional config for WMS services

Type: object

Custom OnlineResources shown in GetCapabilities

Type: stringFormat: uri

Default public base URL for OnlineResources

Type: stringFormat: uri

Public base URL for FeatureInfo OnlineResources

Type: stringFormat: uri

Public base URL for Legend OnlineResources

Type: object

OGC service config options (cf. JSON schema qwc-ogc-service.json). This is copied unmodified to the service config.