QWC DB authentication service

QWC DB authentication service

Type: object

JSON Schema

Type: stringFormat: uri Default: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qwc-services/qwc-db-auth/master/schemas/qwc-db-auth.json"

Reference to JSON schema of this config

Service name

Type: const
Specific value: "db-auth"

Config options

Type: object

Type: string

DB connection URL

Type: integer

Min password length

Type: integer

Max password length

Type: array of string

List of RegExes for additional password constraints

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: integer

Min number of password_constraints to match for password to be valid

Type: string

Validation message if password constraints are not met

Type: integer

Number of days until password expires, or -1 to disable

Type: integer

Show an expiry notice within this number of days before a password expires, or -1 to disable

Type: integer

Min number of seconds before password may be changed again, or -1 to disable

Type: boolean

Set whether previous passwords may be reused or not

Type: array of string

List of user info fields to include in JWT identity

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

URL to a logo image to show in the login form

Type: string

URL to a background image for the login page

Type: string

URL of custom stylesheet.

Type: string

URL to terms of use

Login hint text, shown above login form fields. Either a string, or dictionary {"<lang>": "<text>"}. When providing a dictionary, the entry matching the current locale will be searched, with fallback to en if no entry for the current locale exists, and fallback to an empty string if no en entry exists.

Type: string
Type: object

All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions

Property name regular expression: ^[a-z]{2}$
Type: string