QWC OGC Service

QWC OGC Service

Type: object

JSON Schema

Type: stringFormat: uri Default: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qwc-services/qwc-ogc-service/master/schemas/qwc-ogc-service.json"

Reference to JSON schema of this config

Service name

Type: const
Specific value: "ogc"

Config options

Type: object

Type: string

Default base URL for WMS/WFS requests

Type: string

Regex pattern of the external OGC URL pattern, used to detect EXTERNAL_WMS URLs in print requests which point to the OGC server itself. Can use $origin$, $tenant$ and $mountpoint$ as variables. Default: $origin$/.*/?$mountpoint$

Type: array of string

Login verification URL for requests with basic auth. Example: http://qwc-auth-service:9090/verify_login

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: string

Name of the active user parameter for the QGIS Server. Will be set to the name of the logged in user in qwc2

Type: array of string

Optional: List of paths that will be accessible without a JWT identity, if AUTH_REQUIRED is set.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Optional: Marker parameter definitions

Type: string

Default value

Type: string

Parameter type (number, color, string)


Type: object

WMS services

Type: array of object
No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

WMS service

Type: object

WMS service with nested layers and group layers

Type: string

WMS service name

Type: string

Custom WMS URL if different from defaultqgisserver_url

Type: object

Custom OnlineResources shown in GetCapabilities

Type: string

Default public base URL for OnlineResources

Type: string

Public base URL for FeatureInfo OnlineResources

Type: string

Public base URL for Legend OnlineResources

Root layer of WMS (layer or group layer)

Type: object

Single layer

No Additional Properties

Type: string

WMS layer name

Type: const

Layer type

Specific value: "layer"

Type: array of string

Attributes for GetFeatureInfo

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: boolean

Whether this layer is queryable

Type: integer

Custom base opacity from 0-100 (Hidden sublayers only)

Type: object

Group layer with nested sublayers

No Additional Properties

Type: string

WMS group layer name

Type: const

Layer type

Specific value: "layergroup"

Type: boolean

Hide sublayers of this group layer if set, to make the group layer look like a regular layer (Facade layer)

Type: string

Custom WMS URL for printing, e.g. if using a separate QGIS project.

Type: array of string

Available print templates

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: number

Default font size for GetLegendGraphic request

Type: array of string

Internal layer names used for printing and raster export of background and external layers

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

WFS services

Type: array of object
No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

WFS service

Type: object

WFS service with list of layers

Type: string

WFS service name

Type: string

Custom WFS URL if different from defaultqgisserver_url

Type: string

Custom OnlineResource shown in GetCapabilities

Type: array

List of WFS layers

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

Single layer

Type: string

WFS layer name

Type: array of string

Attributes for GetFeature and DescribeFeatureType

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be: