Quick start

Running QWC2 as part of qwc-services

qwc-services is a collection of loosely coupled micro-services for extending QWC2. The services communicate with each other via HTTP/Rest, and are mostly written in Python.

The easiest way to run qwc-services is to use the readily available docker images, using the sample setup at qwc-docker.

To be able to run qwc-docker, first install docker and docker compose:

Then, follow these steps:

  • Clone the qwc-docker sample setup at qwc-docker and copy the docker-compose and api-gateway configuration templates:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/qwc-services/qwc-docker.git
cd qwc-docker
cp docker-compose-example.yml docker-compose.yml
cp api-gateway/nginx-example.conf api-gateway/nginx.conf
  • Set the password for the postgres superuser in docker-compose.yml:
    image: sourcepole/qwc-base-db:<version>
  • Create a secret key:
python3 -c 'import secrets; print("JWT_SECRET_KEY=\"%s\"" % secrets.token_hex(48))' >.env
  • Change the UID/GID which runs the QWC services to match the user/group which owns the shared volumes on the host by setting SERVICE_UID and SERVICE_GID in qwc-docker/docker-compose.yml.

  • Set permissions for the shared solr data volume:

sudo chown 8983:8983 volumes/solr/data
  • Start all containers (will download all images from dockerhub when executed the first time):
docker-compose up

Note: If using the newer docker compose project, you need to write docker compose up instead of docker-compose up (and similarly for other docker-compose calls).

Note: The sample docker-compose-example.yml uses latest-YYYY-lts as image versions. This will result in docker always pulling the latest images of the respective lts series. See Keeping QWC services up to date.

The map viewer will run on http://localhost:8088/.

The admin GUI will run on http://localhost:8088/qwc_admin (default admin credentials: username admin, password admin, requires password change on first login).

Next steps:

Running QWC2 as a standalone viewer

If you don't need the advanced functionalities provided by qwc-services or want to integrate QWC2 in another environment, you can run QWC2 as a standalone viewer.

To work with QWC2, you will need a minimal development environment consisting of git, node and yarn. You will also need a running QGIS Server instance which serves your projects.

The fastest way to get started is by cloning the stock application:

git clone https://github.com/qgis/qwc2.git

Next, install all required dependencies:

cd qwc2
yarn install

Then, start a local development application:

yarn start

The development application will run by default on http://localhost:8081.

At this point, you can customize and configure the application according to your needs, as described in detail in the following chapters.

The final step is to compile a deployable application bundle for production:

yarn run prod

You can then deploy the contents of the prod folder to your web server.

Next steps: