<title>QWC Data Service</title>
QWC Data Service
Type: objectJSON Schema
Type: stringFormat: uri Default: "https://github.com/qwc-services/qwc-data-service/raw/master/schemas/qwc-data-service.json"Reference to JSON schema of this config
Service name
Type: constSpecific value:
Config options
Type: objectBase dir where attachments are stored
The namespace dir, below attachments_base_dir
. You can use {tenant}, {map}, {dataset}. Default is '{tenant}/{map}.{dataset}'
The path pattern to use when saving attachments to disk. You can use {random}, {filename}, {ext} and {<field>}, where field refers to the value of the field <field> of the committed feature. Default is '{random}/{filename}'
Comma separated list of allowed attachment file extensions, i.e. '.png,.jpg'
Captcha site secret key. Set to enable ReCAPTCHA verification for public users
Maximum attachment file size in bytes
Hostname of ClamD server listening on TCP port 3310. If set, uploaded files are checked by ClamAV
Field suffix where to log the username who last changed an upload field, i.e. <fieldname>__<suffix> for the field <fieldname>. If empty, username is not logged.
If specified, the timestamp of the creation of the record will be logged to the <create_timestamp_field> field of the record.
If specified, the timestamp of the last mutation to a record will be logged to the <edit_timestamp_field> field of the record.
Whether to write the create/edit timestamps in UTC, as opposed to local time. Default: false
If specified, the username of the user who created a record with be logged to the <create_user_field> field of the record.
If specified, the username of the last user who performed a mutation to a record with be logged to the <edit_user_field> field of the record.
Whether to allow null geometries by default
Loopup of allowed attachment file extensions per dataset, values as comma separated list, i.e. '.png,.jpg'
Lookup of maximum attachment file size in bytes per dataset
Type: objectDatasets
Type: array of objectNo Additional Items
Each item of this array must be:
Type: objectPostgreSQL metadata and field constraints for a dataset
Dataset name
DB connection string for read and write access (or read-only access if dbwriteurl is present)
Optional DB connection string for write access
Dataset fields with optional constraints
No Additional ItemsEach item of this array must be:
Field name
Must be one of:
- "bigint"
- "boolean"
- "character"
- "character varying"
- "date"
- "double precision"
- "file"
- "integer"
- "json"
- "jsonb"
- "numeric"
- "real"
- "smallint"
- "text"
- "time"
- "timestamp with time zone"
- "timestamp without time zone"
- "uuid"
No Additional Items
Each item of this array must be:
PostGIS geometry metadata
Type: objectMust be one of:
Type: integerSpatial Reference System Identifier (EPSG code)
Allow NULL geometries
Type: boolean Default: falseAllow setting geometry values to NULL