
QWC Permalink Service

Stores and resolves compact permalinks for the Web Client.

Permalinks are stored in a database table.


The static config files are stored as JSON files in $CONFIG_PATH with subdirectories for each tenant, e.g. $CONFIG_PATH/default/*.json. The default tenant name is default.

JSON config

  • JSON schema
  • File location: $CONFIG_PATH/<tenant>/permalinkConfig.json


  "$schema": "",
  "service": "permalink",
  "config": {
    "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
    "permalinks_table": "qwc_config.permalinks",
    "user_permalink_table": "qwc_config.user_permalinks"

Environment variables

Config options in the config file can be overridden by equivalent uppercase environment variables.

Variable Default value Description
DB_URL postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb DB connection URL [1]
PERMALINKS_TABLE qwc_config.permalinks Permalink table
USER_PERMALINK_TABLE qwc_config.user_permalinks User permalink table


If you don't use qwc-config-db you have to create the tables for storing permalinks first. Example:

CREATE TABLE permalinks
  key character(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  data text,
  date date,
  expires date


Base URL:


API documentation:


Docker usage

To run this docker image you will need a configuration database. For testing purposes you can use the demo DB.

The following steps explain how to download the demo DB docker image and how to run the qwc-permalink-service with docker-compose.

Step 1: Clone qwc-docker

git clone
cd qwc-docker

Step 2: Create docker-compose.yml file

cp docker-compose-example.yml docker-compose.yml

Step 3: Start docker containers

docker-compose up qwc-permalink-service

For more information please visit:


Set the CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the path containing the service config and permission files when starting this service (default: config).

export CONFIG_PATH=../qwc-docker/volumes/config

Configure environment:

echo FLASK_ENV=development >.flaskenv

Install dependencies and run service:

uv run src/