Feature info

The feature info behaviour in QWC2 is controlled by configuring identifyTool in config.json (or per-theme in themesConfig.json) to the desired plugin as well as whether a qwc-feature-info-service is used.

The feature info is by default triggered when clicking on a feature in the map. You can also configure the feature info as an explicit viewer tool by setting identifyTool: null and adding a menuItems or toolbarItems entry.

The following approaches are available for feature info:

WMS GetFeatureInfo

To query features over WMS GetFeatureInfo, set identifyTool: "Identify". By default, results are displayed in a table. To display the results in a custom HTML template, the qwc-feature-info-service can be used.

Note: Use of the qwc-feature-info-service is also recommended if the qwc-data-service is used for editing, to ensure attribute values containing paths to uploaded files are properly converted to clickable hyperlinks.

Set whether a layer is identifyable in QGIS → Project Properties → Data sources.

To highlight the geometry, make sure QGIS → Project Properties → QGIS Server → Add geometry to feature response is checked.

Suppressing attributes

You can suppress attributes globally by selecting "Do not expose via WMS" in QGIS → Layer properties → Fields.

Alternatively, you can selectively restrict attributes using the qwc-admin-gui and assigning Attribute resource permissions as desired.

You can also omit empty attributes by setting skipEmptyFeatureAttributes: true in the theme configuration entry in themesConfig.json.

If you use the qwc-feature-info-service, you can also omit empty attributes directly in the GetFeatureInfo by setting skip_empty_attributes: true in the featureInfo service configuration in tenantConfig.json.

In general, HTML markup in attribute values is preserved.

For displaying interactive hyperlinks, the following options are supported:

  • URLs in attribute text values with no HTML markup are automatically converted to an interactive hyperlink.
  • Alternatively, you can enclose the URL in a HTML <a> tag in the attribute value. To open the linked page in an inline dialog within QWC2, you can set the anchor target to :iframedialog:<dialogname>:<optkey>=<optval>:<optkey>=<optval>:... where the supported options are:
  • w: Dialog width in pixels, default: 640.
  • h: Dialog height in pixels, default: 480.
  • title: Dialog window title, by default the translation string windows.<dialogname>.
  • print: Whether to add a print icon for printing the dialog contents, default: true.
  • dockable: Whether the dialog can be docked, default false.
  • docked: Whether the dialog is initially docked, default false. Example:
<a href="https://example.com" target=":iframedialog:w=1024:h=768:title=Example">Link text</a>

For displaying images, the following options are supported:

  • If replaceImageUrls: true is set in the Identify plugin configuration in config.json, attribute text values which contain exactly an URL to an image are converted to inline images. If you use the qwc-feature-info-service, you need to set transform_image_urls in the featureInfo service configuration in tenantConfig.json.
  • Alternatively, you can add a <img> tag directly in the attribute value.

This applies in particular to <a /> anchor and <img /> tags for displaying links an images in an attribute value.

Client side attribute transformations

This functionality is only available without the qwc-feature-info-service.

To compute derived attributes client-side, you can implement the customAttributeCalculator in qwc2-app/js/IdentifyExtensions.js (which is passed to the Identify plugin in appConfig.js).

To transform attributes client-side you can implement the attributeTransform in qwc2-app/js/IdentifyExtensions.js (which is passed to the Identify plugin in appConfig.js).

Custom export

By default, the identify dialog in QWC2 allows you to export the results to json (QWC2 feature storage format), geojson (standard GeoJSON without QWC2 specific fields), csv (single CSV with all layers) or csv+zip (ZIP with one CSV per layer). You can define additional export functions by extending customExporters in qwc2-app/js/IdentifyExtensions.js.

Custom HTML templates

You can specify a custom HTML template for displaying the feature rather than the default table view by enabling the qwc-feature-info-service.

Mount the info templates folder into the qwc-feature-info-service container, i.e.:

    image: sourcepole/qwc-feature-info-service:vYYYY.MM.DD
      - ./volumes/info_templates:/info_templates

Note: If mounting to another location than /info_templates, set the info_templates_path in the featureInfo service configuration in tenantConfig.json:

  "name": "featureInfo",
  "config": {
    "info_templates_path": "/<path>/"

Then, info templates will be searched by name as <info_templates_path>/<service_name>/<layername>.html.

Alternatively, you can specify the template in the featureInfo service configuration in tenantConfig.json, either inline or as a path:

  "name": "featureInfo",
  "config": ...,
  "resources": {
    "wms_services": [
        "name": "<service_name>",
        "root_layer": {
          "name": "<root_layer_name>",
          "layers": [
              "name": "<layer_name>",
              "info_template": {
                <See below>

Example info_template with inline template:

"info_template": {
  "type": "wms",
  "template": "<div><h2>Demo Template</h2>Pos: {{ x }}, {{ y }}<br>Name: {{ feature.Name }}</div>"

Example info_template with template path:

"info_template": {
  "type": "wms",
  "template_path": "/info_templates/template.html"


  • x and y are the info query coordinates. feature.<attr> renders the attr attribute value of the feature.
  • The templates must be HTML fragments without html or body tags.
  • The templates folder needs to be mounted into the qwc-feature-info-service container, i.e.:
    image: sourcepole/qwc-feature-info-service:vYYYY.MM.DD
      - ./volumes/info-templates:/info_templates:ro

DB query feature info

When using the Identify plugin and the qwc-feature-info-service, you can query features directly from a database instead of over WMS GetFeatureInfo, by providing the featureInfo service configuration as described in HTML templates, but specifying a db_url and sql, for example

"info_template": {
  "type": "sql",
  "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_geodb",
  "sql": "SELECT ogc_fid as _fid_, name, formal_en, pop_est, subregion, ST_AsText(wkb_geometry) as wkt_geom FROM qwc_geodb.ne_10m_admin_0_countries WHERE ST_Intersects(wkb_geometry, ST_GeomFromText(:geom, :srid)) LIMIT :feature_count;",
  "template": "<div><h2>Demo Template</h2>Pos: {{ x }}, {{ y }}<br>Name: {{ feature.Name }}</div>"

Note: x, y and geom are passed as parameters to the SQL query. If a GetFeatureInfo request is being processed with a filter_geom parameter, geom will correspond to that parameter. Otherwise geom will be POINT(x y).


The qwc-feature-info-service supports switching the runtime locale by setting the LOCALE environment variable, i.e.:

    image: docker.io/sourcepole/qwc-feature-info-service:vXXXX.XX.XX
      <<: *qwc-service-variables
      SERVICE_MOUNTPOINT: '/api/v1/featureinfo'
      LOCALE: 'de_DE'

In addition, the locale object is available in templates. This is particularly helpful for rendering locale-formatted numbers, i.e.

<div>Area: {{ locale.format_string("%.2f", area, True) }}</div>

Feature form

The FeatureForm plugin displays picked features in a feature form as configured in QGIS &rarr; Layer properties &rarr; Attributes form. It queries the features via qwc-data-service, and hence only works for layers with postgresql data source.

See Designing the edit forms for more information on designing edit forms.

To use it as default identify-tool, set identifyTool: "FeatureForm" in config.json.

A layer is only identifyable with the FeatureForm plugin if corresponding Data resources and permissions are configured for the layer data source in the qwc-admin-gui. If a write permission is configured, the feature will be editable.


When using the Identify plugin and the qwc-feature-info-service, you can manage the permissions in the qwc-admin-gui as follows:

  • To restrict the display of single layer attributes to specific roles, create a Layer and Attribute resource (latter as child of the created Layer resource) and create permissions assigning the desired roles to the Attribute resources.
  • Note: The name of the Attribute resource needs to be equal to the attribute alias name if one is defined in the QGIS project!
  • To restrict whether a layer is identifiable to specific roles, create a FeatureInfo service and FeatureInfo layer resource (latter as child of the created FeatureInfo service resource), and create permissions assigning the desired roles to the FeatureInfo layer resources.

When using the FeatureForm plugin and the qwc-data-service, the Data resource permissions are used, see Editing.