
Multi-tenancy allows serving multiple viewer configurations from a single installation. Specifically, it allows separate theme, viewer (plugins, appearance, etc.) and user/permissions configurations for each tenant.

By default, qwc-docker includes a single default tenant, with the respective configuration file located at qwc-docker/volumes/config-in/default/tenantConfig.json.

To configure additional tenants, the main steps are as follows:

  • Define how the tenant name is extracted from the requests.
  • Write a tenantConfig.json, specifying the location of the configuration database, the viewer configuration and viewer assets.

Extracting the tenant name from the requests

Multi-tenancy works by extracting a tenant name from the request URL and passing it to the respective QWC services. A typical setup is to run the application at the base address


The simplest approach is to extract the tenant name in a rewrite rule and set a corresponding header which will be read by the QWC services. This can be accomplished as follows:

  1. Define the name of the tenant header in qwc-docker/docker-compose.yml by setting the TENANT_HEADER environment variable in the qwc-service-variables block, i.e.:
x-qwc-service-variables: &qwc-service-variables
  1. Add rewrite rules to the api-gateway configuration file qwc-docker/api-gateway/nginx.conf, extracting the tenant name and setting the tenant header. For example
server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  localhost;

    proxy_redirect off;
    server_tokens off;

    location ~ ^/(?<t>tenant1|tenant2)/ {
        # Extract tenant
        proxy_set_header Tenant $t;
        # Set headers for original request host
        proxy_set_header   Host              $http_host;
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

        location ~ ^/[^/]+/auth {
            rewrite ^/[^/]+(.+) $1 break;
            proxy_pass http://qwc-auth-service:9090;

        location ~ ^/[^/]+/ows {
            rewrite ^/[^/]+(.+) $1 break;
            proxy_pass http://qwc-ogc-service:9090;

        location ~ ^/[^/]+/api/v1/featureinfo {
            rewrite ^/[^/]+(.+) $1 break;
            proxy_pass http://qwc-feature-info-service:9090;

        # etc...

        location ~ ^/[^/]+/qwc_admin {
            rewrite ^/[^/]+(.+) $1 break;
            proxy_pass http://qwc-admin-gui:9090;

        # Place these last to give precedence to the other rules:

        # Redirect request without trailing slash
        location ~ ^(/[^/]+)$ {
            return 301 $scheme://$http_host$1/;
        location ~ ^/[^/]+/ {
            rewrite ^/[^/]+(.+) $1 break;
            proxy_pass http://qwc-map-viewer:9090;

Writing the tenantConfig.json

The tenant configuration file tenantConfig.json is located at qwc-docker/volumes/config-in/<tenant>/tenantConfig.json with <tenant> the name of the tenant. There are a number of configuration options which specifically affect the type of multi-tenancy setup, which is very flexible. Possible choices are:

  • Shared vs. separate configuration database / admin backend
  • Shared vs. separate viewer build
  • Shared vs. separate qgs-resources tree
  • etc...

In general, you need to ensure that

  • All the service URLs point to locations which are handled by the api-gateway configuration.
  • All the paths refers to locations which are mounted in qwc-docker/docker-compose.yml.
  • All database connection service names refer to connections which are defined qwc-docker/pg_service.conf.

A minimal configuration for tenant tenant_name may look as follows:

  "$schema": "",
  "service": "config-generator",
  "config": {
    "tenant": "tenant_name",
    "default_qgis_server_url": "http://qwc-qgis-server/ows/",
    "config_db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
    "qgis_projects_scan_base_dir": "/data/tenant_name/scan"
  "themesConfig": "./themesConfig.json",
  "services": [
      "name": "adminGui",
      "config": {
        "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
        "qgs_resources_path": "/qgs-resources/tenant_name/",
        "ows_prefix": "/tenant_name/ows",
      "name": "dbAuth",
      "config": {
        "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
        "config_generator_service_url": "http://qwc-config-service:9090"
      "name": "mapViewer",
      "generator_config": {
        "qwc2_config": {
          "qwc2_config_file": "/srv/qwc_service/config-in/tenant_name/config.json",
          "qwc2_index_file": "/srv/qwc_service/config-in/tenant_name/index.html"
      "config": {
        "qwc2_path": "/qwc2/",
        "auth_service_url": "/tenant_name/auth/",
        "ogc_service_url": "/tenant_name/ows/",
        "info_service_url": "/tenant_name/api/v1/featureinfo/",


  • The database URL (postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb) will determine whether a shared or sperate configuration database is used for each tenant.
  • The qwc2_config_file, qwc2_index_file, qwc2_base_dir and qwc2_path paths will determine whether the viewer build/configuration is shared or separate for each tenant.
  • To use a separate assets folder for each tenant, you can set an appropriate assetsPath in the qwc2_config_file of each tenant.
  • The various service URLs in the mapViewer configuration and in other service configurations need to match what is expected in the api-gateway configuration.

tenantConfig template

In particular when managing a large number of tenants, it can be tedious and error-prone to manage separate tenantConfig.json files for each tenant which might be nearly identical aside from the tenant name. To alleviate this, you can create a tenantConfig template, using the $tenant$ placeholder where appropriate, and point to this file in the respective tenantConfig.json files. The contents of the template will then be merged with the contents of tenantConfig.json, and occurence of $tenant$ in the template will be replaced with the current tenant name.

For example, a minimal tenantConfig.json in qwc-docker/volumes/config-in/tenant_name/ could look as follows:

  "template": "../tenantConfig.template.json",
  "config": {
    "tenant": "tenant_name"
  "themesConfig": "./themesConfig.json"

And the tenantConfig.template.json in qwc-docker/volumes/config-in/ as follows:

  "$schema": "",
  "service": "config-generator",
  "config": {
    "default_qgis_server_url": "http://qwc-qgis-server/ows/",
    "config_db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
    "qgis_projects_base_dir": "/data",
    "qgis_projects_scan_base_dir": "/data/$tenant$/scan"
  "themesConfig": "./themesConfig.json",
  "services": [
      "name": "adminGui",
      "config": {
        "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
        "qgs_resources_path": "/qgs-resources/",
        "ows_prefix": "/ows",
      "name": "dbAuth",
      "config": {
        "db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_configdb",
        "config_generator_service_url": "http://qwc-config-service:9090"
      "name": "mapViewer",
      "generator_config": {
        "qwc2_config": {
          "qwc2_config_file": "/srv/qwc_service/config-in/$tenant$/config.json",
          "qwc2_index_file": "/srv/qwc_service/config-in/$tenant$/index.html"
      "config": {
        "qwc2_path": "/qwc2/",
        "auth_service_url": "/$tenant$/auth/",
        "ogc_service_url": "/$tenant$/ows/",
        "info_service_url": "/$tenant$/api/v1/featureinfo/",

Note: A themesConfig entry in the tenantConfig template is resolved relative to the tenantConfig.template.json, and can be used to define common themes, background layers, etc. in the template.

Multi-Tenancy with separate ConfigDB schemas

If a separate DB config for each tenant is desired, as an alternative to configuring separate databases, it is possible to use a shared database with separate schemas. This can be achieved as follows:

  • Manually create the desired schemas, and set the owner to qwc_admin.
  • Configure a qwc-config-db-migrate container in docker-compose.yml with the QWC_CONFIG_SCHEMA environment variable set to the name of the created schema, and run the container to set up the config tables.
  • Set qwc_config_schema to the name of the created schema in toplevel and relevant service configuration blocks in the tenantConfig.json (mapViewer, adminGui, dbAuth).
  • Run the config-generator manually from a command line via
    curl -X POST "http://localhost:5010/generate_configs?tenant=<tenantname>"

to generate the service configurations to ensure that a correct configuration is available for the Admin GUI and DB Auth (ensure that port 5010 of the qwc-config-service container is exposed to the docker host in docker-compose.yml).