
QWC2, complemented with the qwc-document-service, provides the possibility to generate reports for features of layers whose datasource is a PostgreSQL table, based on Jasper report templates.

Setting up the document-service

As a first step, set up a qwc-document-service, placing your report templates below the report_dir. Read the qwc-document-service README for more information on setting up the service and to understand how to prepare and configure your report templates.

When using qwc-docker, you can configure the container as follows:

      <<: *qwc-service-variables
      SERVICE_MOUNTPOINT: '/api/v1/document'
      # FLASK_DEBUG: 1
      - ./pg_service.conf:/srv/pg_service.conf:ro
      - ./volumes/reports:/reports
      - ./volumes/reports/fonts:/srv/qwc_service/fonts
      - ./volumes/config:/srv/qwc_service/config:ro

In addition, to ensure that the qwc-config-generator automatically picks up existing reports when generating the document service configuration, ensure that the reports directory is also mounted in its container:

      - ./volumes/reports:/reports

Configuring the web client

As a second step, associate the report templates to theme layers to expose the reports in the web client. This is done providing a featureReport entry in a theme item in themesConfig.json as follows:

    "featureReport": {
      "<layer_name1>": "<template_name1>",
      "<layer_name2>": "<template_name2>",

The web client will then display a link to download the report for one or more selected features in the identify results dialog.

In addition, the Reports plugin provides a convenient interface to directly select a desired report layer and download the reports for one or more, or all, features of the selected layer.


Here is an example to configure a report for a layer, whose datasource is a PostgreSQL table, assuming a qwc-docker setup.

  • Create a Jasper report template using Jasper Studio with the desired layout.

    • To include data from the PostgreSQL datasource in your report, add a Postgres Data Adapter, using the name of the PG service definition in your pg_service.conf as the name of the data adapter.
    • Create a report parameter, though which the document-service will pass the primary key of report feature.
    • Define the data query in the Dataset and Query Dialog, in the form

      SELECT <fields> FROM <table_name> WHERE <pk_column> = $P{<FEATURE_PARAM_NAME>}

      If you need a more complex query, you'll need to explicitly specify the table_name, pk_column and FEATURE_PARAM_NAME in the document template resource configuration, see below.

    • If you want to include external resources (images, etc), set the resource path relative to the $P{REPORT_DIR} path as described in the README.

  • Save your report to the document service report dir, i.e. as volumes/reports/MyReport.jrxml.

    • If you included any custom fonts in your report, place these in ttf format in volumes/reports/fonts respecting the naming convention described in the README.

    • If your report requires third party java classes, you can mount the corresponding JARs as volumes to /srv/qwc_service/libs/.

  • Associate the report with a layer via themesConfig.json by adding the following to the desired theme configuration entry:

    "featureReport": {
      "my_layer": "MyReport"
  • Note: MyReport here denotes the relative path of MyReport.jrxml below volumes/reports, without the .jrxml extension.

  • If the name of the data adapter does not match the name of a PG service definition, or if your report contains a complex data query SQL, from which the dataset table name, primary key column of feature parameter name cannot be trivially parsed, then you need to explicitly define these document_templates in the resources block of the document configuration section in tenantConfig.json, for instance:

      "name": "document",
      "config": {...},
      "resources": {
        "document_templates": [
            "template": "MyReport",
            "datasource": "<pg_service_name>",
            "table": "<table_name>",
            "primary_key": "<primary_key_column_name>",
            "parameter_name": "<report_parameter_name>"
  • Generate the document service configuration by running the ConfigGenerator. It will automatically pick up all *.jrxml files and generate corresponding document_templates resources, complementing any manually defined resources.

  • To restrict document templates to specified roles, create Document template resources and permissions as desired. These permissions will also apply to any reports included as subreports by a parent report.

  • Test your report, either through the QWC2 interface, or via a direct call to the document service, i.e.:



  • Check the logs of the qwc-document-service (in particular with FLASK_DEBUG: 1) to get detailed information about the report generation.
  • Enable additional Java logging by mounting a of the form
# Keep global logs at WARNING level to reduce noise

# Enable detailed logging only for JasperReports

# Configure ConsoleHandler

to /srv/qwc_service/libs/, i.e.:
